Friday, July 22, 2005

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Today we had pe. We had to stamp, crush the cans from the World Longest Can-chaining project and to pluck out the tabs on the cans. Imagine students placing a green tea can on the floor. Raising his or her feet and then stamping hard on the cans. Its really a very funny sight and the ironical issue here is that I actually have to do it also. Crushing and stamping of cans for pe. How fun. After that shit which left us with 10 mins of free time, we played vball. The rest simply went back to class. We played vball and as usual, all attention inevitably dawned on out court. Its just about 6 boys playing stylish vball. Ball go up. Scream. Wait. Ball come down. So there. Thoes having pe simply stopped and laughed at our stupid actions. At this point of time everyone on the court was either laughing or shouting. That's the extent of how we were communicating in the "high" atmosphere. I swear the sec3's and 2's were watching us and not having pe. Anyway, its not the first time.
Lessons. End of school. Dismissal. Stayed back in class do some homework. La la la. Its 3 plus 4 and the class is left with Yenyang, weng seng, hsiang ling and me. We decided to play vball since there were still sec1's playing at this late hour. Yongteck joined us. Nothing to rant about the vball match except i know they are from 1jt and we got to know more vball khakis. Not the first time we know people through playing vball.
Went home stinking, sweating, mourning, drizzling, raining and everything. yongteck made me take 31. (actually was beacause 76 just went pass and my bubble tea ain't out yet) Now two things worth mentioning happened on my way home. So don't read on. I repeat. Don't read on.
GUAI LAN SIA YOU. Anyway on the mrt carriage, let me tell you my state. I stink like shit. It was a mixture of ammonia, nh3, plus toilet. I don't know if the girls' toilet smell like this. But in the boys toilet, you go to a cubicle with urine all over not drained down and thoes yellow yellow stains there and the pubic hair all over and flies flying here and there, there is a smell. English language can't descirbe that smell very aptly but i can only tell you to go male toilet to get a REFRESHING EXPERIENCE of it. Male toilet 3rd floor boys toilet. Sometimes you can pleasent surpises when you find the toilet bowl filled with shit. Someone had constipation and diarrhoea and he cannot bare it anymore then half way taking of his pants the shit starts coming out and there you have the shit splattered all over the toilet bowl and the seat cover. If you are regurgitating your meals now i apologise. This was a factual event not long ago and the setting was at our very own toilet at chungcheng. Ask any 4gr or 4jt guy, they will tell you. ITS SHIT I TELL YOU. shit everywhere. Let me explain. This shirt is at least 5 years old. Pass down from John's bro who is now in NS. MID WAY THROUGH NS. A pe t-shirt pass down from him. 5 yrs old at least. Rain water. Sweat. Old t shirt. Come on la. How often do i get to sell like this? Smell me after my bathe la. You smell the dove scent and my skin smell. FRAGRANT. Really. I smell better then flowers. Its just because of my sweat, shirt and rain. Don't believe me come find me after 30mins of vball or soccer la. Ok la my point is i don't stink everyday and everytime la. Haha.
Anyway back to it, i smelt like the toilet bowl where the liquid it contained is all yellow and has bubbles on it and where you go there to pee you can't bare to even lift a finger to flush it because your olfactory simply cannot take a second longer in that stinky place. 30% of that plus 70% of ammonia. Ok. So i was on the train. Hoping no one faints. I tried to chose a spot where there's no innocent victim for me to suffocate. Anyway in front of me was the handicap stand. North east line mind you. Freakin new mrt service line with god damn new mrt trains. Two women were stainding there. At a stop i think Potong pasir, a handicap old woman on wheelchair came in with a maid pushing her. "Excuse me," she said. One of the women apologised gracefully and left the stand and stood beside me. ( her choice to die not my fault ) Another women, apparently asleep standing with her mp3 player on, did not budge. The maid repeated her statement in a louder tone. No response. I knew someone should wake that sleeping "beauty" up to make more space for the wheelchair to park there. But given my condition, any action which promoted moving air, wind, was a bad idea for the air molecules around me will diffuse to the people around me. So bad choice bad idea. Remain stationary and the people around me survives longer. Then the maid had no choice. She adjusted the wheelchair and made do with what little space was left of the stand and locked the wheelchair. She herself had nothing to hold onto. But i worried more was the wheelchair if it would sway out of control due to inertia of the high velocity train.
At this point, people behind me commented something in mandarin. Something to the effect of "this shows the moral of the person". Something like that. They were commenting on that old, supposedly 40 plus woman sleeping and not making space for the disabled. Not that I have anything subjective to show or relate, i just felt it was worth mentioning. At that point of time i simply thought of the idea of graciousness. Whether the sleeping lady was in fault or not i do not know. She was sleeping. I mean, she did not intentionally blocked the space. But it was her fault for sleeping at that area. Get what i mean. The woman beside me was righteous in giving way for the wheelchair, unfortunately she had to endure my aroma. What to do? Classic example that it doesn't pay to be kind.
Second thing. On the final bus trip home. I chose an isolated area again to seat. Then a stop, kovan hub, a lady boarded and chose to freakin seat beside me. She was an ensemble of 10% Mdm Tan eng chiu (it club teach in charge) and 90% Mrs Hsu (hod of eng). So ya. The typical "chi xiang" teacher in her forties coming fifty. In specs nicely dressed and carrying bags of grocery. I was seated at an awkward position. (i meant to draw this on paint but i lazy) Right leg propped up against the chair left leg facing 45 degress outwards. The space between chairs is small. Not that my leg is long, but honestly i did not have space. So i left it like that occupying the other seat's space for the legs. She sat beside me, i heck care and did not keep me legs in or move it in. I think i did but maybe it wasn't enough. I had a gigantic billabong bag on my laps and i was stinking and wanted to save her by making her not seat so close. My leg was jutting out basically and she only had about 70% of her own share of the seat. So there. I continued attempting to break my hi-score in sky-diver and ignored the lady whether she had space or not. I only know she was using her handphone too. Then there was an empty seat in front so she moved infront. Phew. Phew for my agony of not giving enough space for her (for i was busy parachuting and frankly did not want her to seat too close to me). Guess what. One or two stops later, her son boarded the bus.
Ok he's about 175-180 cm. Well built. Firm muscles and very fit i guess just out from NS? Just picture Mr Gan after NS la. Then. HE CAME TO MY SEAT. ok nth. He sat down and started talking to his mother ( who was the one seated beside me earlier and is now infont of me only). If i'm not wrong he had a bag and a plastic bag. So anyway. Big size fella here beside me. Remember leg jutting out? Now leg kena freakin tortured. He sat hard and squeezed me. Squeeze. Means apply pressure, cause sth to become smaller, push, force your way through and everything else. Such that i was shoved in my butt and all into the side of the window. ouch. Plus my left leg jutting out of place 45degree was pushed against the back of the front seat. The back of the plastic chair was hard ok. 45 degree out. He moved his feet in and pushed at my thighs and now my knees were pressed against the front seat. Hard really hard. So i experience discomfort at my left knee, butt and everywhere else. Firstly he purposely shift his whole freakin big sized body in and made sure no part of him was out at the isle. He squeeze real hard real pain la. He was like. He wanted his own share of seat plus some of mine. Shit that freakin idiot. Big size squeeze in Hurt my knee make it press against the front plastic for so long so hard so pain plus constantly shifting his body in don't know for what. Then he talk talk talk to his mother infront i pretend nothing happen carry on trying to keep my line of sight on my small handphone screen. Talk talk. Move in. Talk Talk. Squeeze in. Talk Talk pretend adjust the stuffs on his lap(his bag) and push rightside towards me. freak it la. I was immobolized and i was move in myself on my own accord also cannot. I wanted to seat properly both legs vertically perpendicularly out so that there was no contact between me and him also cannot. He had me locked and stucked. Pain pain. What can i do. Ar. My charima. My charm. My aroma. My scent. My body ordour. My "nan re wei". My revenge. You sqeuuze somemore, you smell somemore. You get the scent of opening the ammonia hydrozide you get in chem labs and placing them under your nose. WAHAHA. Pain is pain. But the sweet part is knowing he had to endure this. Pure pleasure. I though on the spot how to get back at him. Make my smell more obvious by lifting my arms? ( i think like that got more smell i don't know) spreading my wet shirt so more exposed surface area equal more exposure to air molecules for diffusion or squeezing back with him. Anyway, i couldn't be bothered and chose to bear the pain in silence and play my sky-diver. Guess what i broke my own record there and then. Yippeee. But i swear. It was uncomfortable la. I don;t know he purposely one, wanna guai lan me. xialan me or his mother made him do that. At one point i thought was that person paid to get back at me on behalf of the woman and she will pay that stranger afterwards? But they talk like they had a relationship of mother and son so i don't think that could be posed. Or maybe that idiot knew i was taking too much space and wanted to teach me a lesson. I sound like the bad guy here but hey, you know me. Am i like that?! So inconsiderate purposely block that kingkong from seating? Of cos not la. I jus playing hp lazy care his existence nia. So ya. One stop.... two stop.... finally my stop. On the way i was constantly reminding myself my hurting kneee was almost equal to him enduring my smell. So hell to you. I thought he was perhps a bballed from upper or lower court but couldn't really bother to scrutinise his facial features to care about that. guess what. he and his mother got down at the same stop as me. FREAK YOU TWO IDIOTS man. i dunno y i curse them or y i shud be angry. but one ting is for sure. tt guy did it on purpose and intently wanted to inflict pain on me. so freak you man. bully me. i thought of playing that small innocent victim and crying out " hey you r hurting me can u stop forcing ur way through and squuzing me?" den i tot maybe scarli his mother side him. lol.den i lose. den i can only find bus driver. But that is gay. As gay as you know you. So freak it. That was the only moment i enjoyed smelling how i am after a game. I usually dread, detest, despise my state of sweat after a game of ball. But today I felt proud of it. And tml it will feel proud of me too. cos i wanna vow nv to smell like that again. wic means no more ball games after sch.
Lessons. End of school. Dismissal. Stayed back in class do some homework. La la la. Its 3 plus 4 and the class is left with Yenyang, weng seng, hsiang ling and me. We decided to play vball since there were still sec1's playing at this late hour. Yongteck joined us. Nothing to rant about the vball match except i know they are from 1jt and we got to know more vball khakis. Not the first time we know people through playing vball.
Went home stinking, sweating, mourning, drizzling, raining and everything. yongteck made me take 31. (actually was beacause 76 just went pass and my bubble tea ain't out yet) Now two things worth mentioning happened on my way home. So don't read on. I repeat. Don't read on.
GUAI LAN SIA YOU. Anyway on the mrt carriage, let me tell you my state. I stink like shit. It was a mixture of ammonia, nh3, plus toilet. I don't know if the girls' toilet smell like this. But in the boys toilet, you go to a cubicle with urine all over not drained down and thoes yellow yellow stains there and the pubic hair all over and flies flying here and there, there is a smell. English language can't descirbe that smell very aptly but i can only tell you to go male toilet to get a REFRESHING EXPERIENCE of it. Male toilet 3rd floor boys toilet. Sometimes you can pleasent surpises when you find the toilet bowl filled with shit. Someone had constipation and diarrhoea and he cannot bare it anymore then half way taking of his pants the shit starts coming out and there you have the shit splattered all over the toilet bowl and the seat cover. If you are regurgitating your meals now i apologise. This was a factual event not long ago and the setting was at our very own toilet at chungcheng. Ask any 4gr or 4jt guy, they will tell you. ITS SHIT I TELL YOU. shit everywhere. Let me explain. This shirt is at least 5 years old. Pass down from John's bro who is now in NS. MID WAY THROUGH NS. A pe t-shirt pass down from him. 5 yrs old at least. Rain water. Sweat. Old t shirt. Come on la. How often do i get to sell like this? Smell me after my bathe la. You smell the dove scent and my skin smell. FRAGRANT. Really. I smell better then flowers. Its just because of my sweat, shirt and rain. Don't believe me come find me after 30mins of vball or soccer la. Ok la my point is i don't stink everyday and everytime la. Haha.
Anyway back to it, i smelt like the toilet bowl where the liquid it contained is all yellow and has bubbles on it and where you go there to pee you can't bare to even lift a finger to flush it because your olfactory simply cannot take a second longer in that stinky place. 30% of that plus 70% of ammonia. Ok. So i was on the train. Hoping no one faints. I tried to chose a spot where there's no innocent victim for me to suffocate. Anyway in front of me was the handicap stand. North east line mind you. Freakin new mrt service line with god damn new mrt trains. Two women were stainding there. At a stop i think Potong pasir, a handicap old woman on wheelchair came in with a maid pushing her. "Excuse me," she said. One of the women apologised gracefully and left the stand and stood beside me. ( her choice to die not my fault ) Another women, apparently asleep standing with her mp3 player on, did not budge. The maid repeated her statement in a louder tone. No response. I knew someone should wake that sleeping "beauty" up to make more space for the wheelchair to park there. But given my condition, any action which promoted moving air, wind, was a bad idea for the air molecules around me will diffuse to the people around me. So bad choice bad idea. Remain stationary and the people around me survives longer. Then the maid had no choice. She adjusted the wheelchair and made do with what little space was left of the stand and locked the wheelchair. She herself had nothing to hold onto. But i worried more was the wheelchair if it would sway out of control due to inertia of the high velocity train.
At this point, people behind me commented something in mandarin. Something to the effect of "this shows the moral of the person". Something like that. They were commenting on that old, supposedly 40 plus woman sleeping and not making space for the disabled. Not that I have anything subjective to show or relate, i just felt it was worth mentioning. At that point of time i simply thought of the idea of graciousness. Whether the sleeping lady was in fault or not i do not know. She was sleeping. I mean, she did not intentionally blocked the space. But it was her fault for sleeping at that area. Get what i mean. The woman beside me was righteous in giving way for the wheelchair, unfortunately she had to endure my aroma. What to do? Classic example that it doesn't pay to be kind.
Second thing. On the final bus trip home. I chose an isolated area again to seat. Then a stop, kovan hub, a lady boarded and chose to freakin seat beside me. She was an ensemble of 10% Mdm Tan eng chiu (it club teach in charge) and 90% Mrs Hsu (hod of eng). So ya. The typical "chi xiang" teacher in her forties coming fifty. In specs nicely dressed and carrying bags of grocery. I was seated at an awkward position. (i meant to draw this on paint but i lazy) Right leg propped up against the chair left leg facing 45 degress outwards. The space between chairs is small. Not that my leg is long, but honestly i did not have space. So i left it like that occupying the other seat's space for the legs. She sat beside me, i heck care and did not keep me legs in or move it in. I think i did but maybe it wasn't enough. I had a gigantic billabong bag on my laps and i was stinking and wanted to save her by making her not seat so close. My leg was jutting out basically and she only had about 70% of her own share of the seat. So there. I continued attempting to break my hi-score in sky-diver and ignored the lady whether she had space or not. I only know she was using her handphone too. Then there was an empty seat in front so she moved infront. Phew. Phew for my agony of not giving enough space for her (for i was busy parachuting and frankly did not want her to seat too close to me). Guess what. One or two stops later, her son boarded the bus.
Ok he's about 175-180 cm. Well built. Firm muscles and very fit i guess just out from NS? Just picture Mr Gan after NS la. Then. HE CAME TO MY SEAT. ok nth. He sat down and started talking to his mother ( who was the one seated beside me earlier and is now infont of me only). If i'm not wrong he had a bag and a plastic bag. So anyway. Big size fella here beside me. Remember leg jutting out? Now leg kena freakin tortured. He sat hard and squeezed me. Squeeze. Means apply pressure, cause sth to become smaller, push, force your way through and everything else. Such that i was shoved in my butt and all into the side of the window. ouch. Plus my left leg jutting out of place 45degree was pushed against the back of the front seat. The back of the plastic chair was hard ok. 45 degree out. He moved his feet in and pushed at my thighs and now my knees were pressed against the front seat. Hard really hard. So i experience discomfort at my left knee, butt and everywhere else. Firstly he purposely shift his whole freakin big sized body in and made sure no part of him was out at the isle. He squeeze real hard real pain la. He was like. He wanted his own share of seat plus some of mine. Shit that freakin idiot. Big size squeeze in Hurt my knee make it press against the front plastic for so long so hard so pain plus constantly shifting his body in don't know for what. Then he talk talk talk to his mother infront i pretend nothing happen carry on trying to keep my line of sight on my small handphone screen. Talk talk. Move in. Talk Talk. Squeeze in. Talk Talk pretend adjust the stuffs on his lap(his bag) and push rightside towards me. freak it la. I was immobolized and i was move in myself on my own accord also cannot. I wanted to seat properly both legs vertically perpendicularly out so that there was no contact between me and him also cannot. He had me locked and stucked. Pain pain. What can i do. Ar. My charima. My charm. My aroma. My scent. My body ordour. My "nan re wei". My revenge. You sqeuuze somemore, you smell somemore. You get the scent of opening the ammonia hydrozide you get in chem labs and placing them under your nose. WAHAHA. Pain is pain. But the sweet part is knowing he had to endure this. Pure pleasure. I though on the spot how to get back at him. Make my smell more obvious by lifting my arms? ( i think like that got more smell i don't know) spreading my wet shirt so more exposed surface area equal more exposure to air molecules for diffusion or squeezing back with him. Anyway, i couldn't be bothered and chose to bear the pain in silence and play my sky-diver. Guess what i broke my own record there and then. Yippeee. But i swear. It was uncomfortable la. I don;t know he purposely one, wanna guai lan me. xialan me or his mother made him do that. At one point i thought was that person paid to get back at me on behalf of the woman and she will pay that stranger afterwards? But they talk like they had a relationship of mother and son so i don't think that could be posed. Or maybe that idiot knew i was taking too much space and wanted to teach me a lesson. I sound like the bad guy here but hey, you know me. Am i like that?! So inconsiderate purposely block that kingkong from seating? Of cos not la. I jus playing hp lazy care his existence nia. So ya. One stop.... two stop.... finally my stop. On the way i was constantly reminding myself my hurting kneee was almost equal to him enduring my smell. So hell to you. I thought he was perhps a bballed from upper or lower court but couldn't really bother to scrutinise his facial features to care about that. guess what. he and his mother got down at the same stop as me. FREAK YOU TWO IDIOTS man. i dunno y i curse them or y i shud be angry. but one ting is for sure. tt guy did it on purpose and intently wanted to inflict pain on me. so freak you man. bully me. i thought of playing that small innocent victim and crying out " hey you r hurting me can u stop forcing ur way through and squuzing me?" den i tot maybe scarli his mother side him. lol.den i lose. den i can only find bus driver. But that is gay. As gay as you know you. So freak it. That was the only moment i enjoyed smelling how i am after a game. I usually dread, detest, despise my state of sweat after a game of ball. But today I felt proud of it. And tml it will feel proud of me too. cos i wanna vow nv to smell like that again. wic means no more ball games after sch.
Thursday, July 7, 2005
I sent the volleyball flying high up into the sky. It landed and nestled right on a branch of a tree in the vicinity of the volleyball court. It refused to budge and continued defying the law of gravity. My friends took at least 30-40 mins to get the ball back down. 30-40 mins. I stood there and waited. My friends stood there in agony and did not hesitate in giving me a piece of their minds. I am sorry for my asinine act. But I insist, I am the LIBERO.
This Saturday is Speech Day. I am chosen to represent our class among 11 others. Ryan is going to receive a prize for Robotics. London is hosting the Olympics. National Junior Robotics Competition is releasing its challenge announcement on Saturday at Science Centre. Chinese O Level Listening Comprehension is on 15/7/05 which is next Friday. Prelims Oral is on 19/07/05. Prelims is in 2 months time. I must stop procrastinating and resist the temptations to play. I am not stupid. I am Darren. wo bu shi ben, wo shi you fu!
This Saturday is Speech Day. I am chosen to represent our class among 11 others. Ryan is going to receive a prize for Robotics. London is hosting the Olympics. National Junior Robotics Competition is releasing its challenge announcement on Saturday at Science Centre. Chinese O Level Listening Comprehension is on 15/7/05 which is next Friday. Prelims Oral is on 19/07/05. Prelims is in 2 months time. I must stop procrastinating and resist the temptations to play. I am not stupid. I am Darren. wo bu shi ben, wo shi you fu!
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Well, Chinese O level orals is over. I hope i did well. The whole thing was very... how should i put it... Not planned well? It's like we are in the geog room. Then everyone has to just squeeze into it. (albeit not having many people.. but still..) Then the two old examiners, thoes typical chinese speaking female teachers probably each a proud grandmother to two grandchildren, were like dressed in old-fashioned clothes. Long skirts funny top. Wide rounded specs and all that. Can you picture? So well. We are seated behind. While the moment-of-truth happens way infront at the whiteboard. You can ignore the "way" part. Because it's really a short distance. Within hearing distance. So like. You first practise in the middle of the room with lian laoshi timing us. She is one funny teacher. Once she tried to open the door. Push pull bang. Only to realise she havent unlock it through the white switch to the left of the door. You know thoes big wide white switches in com lab's and all that? Yar she did not press it. So of course the magnet would not be deactivated. Anyway. I find everyone practising the oral only reading to themselves. All was like. SILENT. When it was my turn. I just went and read out loud. Heck thoes people behind me who can hear me. I can read all thoes words. They purposely put some difficult words. But luckily I know all of them. Or i think. Anyways. I think i did it too loud. Because lian laoshi had to tell thoes waiting behind to move further back. Haha. When i went up to thoes examiners, i told myself: Look this is do or die. Impress them this one time and you get a Distinction in your cert. So well. I did everything zheng laoshi told u to. Did a small minor 5degree bow and greeted thoes two old fags and did not sit till i was asked to. Then went its time to read. I took a breathe in. And BOOM. Later the conversation part. I tried to exude confidence by using more supposedly sophisticated phrases. Though Zhangren told me to play it simple. So well. I spoke and expressed myself with much verve. To, guess what, the extent that they did not have to prompt me once at all. WOAH. I was like, is this good or bad. So well. When i finished, I went out of the room and looked to the volleyball court across the lake, hoping to see people i know playing volleyball so i can join in. Sad. There's training. Wanted to play soccer. But i figured to sell thoes roti boys first.
The can-chaining shit was rather, not quite what i expected. I expected to have like more people. Like open house and cca recruitment. But its not veritable to either of the above. So ya. The selling of roti boy is something i did not regret doing. Quite fun. See girls. Disturb girls. Haha. ALL IN THE NAME OF FUN. I am not James2 mind you. If you understand, good for you. Anyway. After selling all the roti boys ( the last two was sold to the cart beside ours thanks to me ) me henry and zhangren wanna play soccer. So we went and played. Ryan joined us soon after. Well, that's about all. Only i hoped i could have played vball instead of soccer with my new Weinbrener shoe.
When can I next play daytona or Dota? Wengseng Yong teck say monday play dota. I don't know how will that work out. But well, I'm also waiting for someone to jio me watch the much-hyped Initial D. Let's see who's cooler man. Me or Jay. shen ye shi 'ren'. dar'ren' de 'ren'.
The can-chaining shit was rather, not quite what i expected. I expected to have like more people. Like open house and cca recruitment. But its not veritable to either of the above. So ya. The selling of roti boy is something i did not regret doing. Quite fun. See girls. Disturb girls. Haha. ALL IN THE NAME OF FUN. I am not James2 mind you. If you understand, good for you. Anyway. After selling all the roti boys ( the last two was sold to the cart beside ours thanks to me ) me henry and zhangren wanna play soccer. So we went and played. Ryan joined us soon after. Well, that's about all. Only i hoped i could have played vball instead of soccer with my new Weinbrener shoe.
When can I next play daytona or Dota? Wengseng Yong teck say monday play dota. I don't know how will that work out. But well, I'm also waiting for someone to jio me watch the much-hyped Initial D. Let's see who's cooler man. Me or Jay. shen ye shi 'ren'. dar'ren' de 'ren'.
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