Thursday, July 7, 2005

I sent the volleyball flying high up into the sky. It landed and nestled right on a branch of a tree in the vicinity of the volleyball court. It refused to budge and continued defying the law of gravity. My friends took at least 30-40 mins to get the ball back down. 30-40 mins. I stood there and waited. My friends stood there in agony and did not hesitate in giving me a piece of their minds. I am sorry for my asinine act. But I insist, I am the LIBERO.

This Saturday is Speech Day. I am chosen to represent our class among 11 others. Ryan is going to receive a prize for Robotics. London is hosting the Olympics. National Junior Robotics Competition is releasing its challenge announcement on Saturday at Science Centre. Chinese O Level Listening Comprehension is on 15/7/05 which is next Friday. Prelims Oral is on 19/07/05. Prelims is in 2 months time. I must stop procrastinating and resist the temptations to play. I am not stupid. I am Darren. wo bu shi ben, wo shi you fu!


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