ok. probably the first or second day or competition. hence we dressed uniformly in our white njrc'05 shirt designed by Victoria School but with our own sch name printed across our chests. not to mention our tags hangin round our necks for identification and permittance to the booth area for competitors. me carrying the robot in a wrong manner. (i could have damaged the castor wheels by holding it like that but hey why should you care) realize the two metal rods protruding out? thats massive weapons of destruction i tell you. its classic the way i put it to good use that time. oh man. i feel so "high" just recalling how i stole Fuhua's basket over with thoes two grippers. CLASSIC i tell you. Ask ryan or zhang ren man. Let me indulge and savour my past glorious moments when i was so hot in robotics. and anyway after that the two rods bent. BENT! imagine. METAL. which is almost impossible to be cut using hands unless you engage the help of herngyih our senior rock climbing alumni who has abs and muscles i truly salute. and ya. BENT! almost 90degree due to the banging against of the playing field. so can you imagine our robot's horse power? run run run run BBAAMM! it onto somehting, robot remains unscathed our the metal grippers have to "bu zheng qi" and give way. now i understand the term "malleable" in chemistry about metals better. [zhangren, ryan, me, james, desmond]
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