Singapore Chinese Girls' School robot. See the scorpion? Cool aint it. The eye's are red led lamps mind you. It is red light from two small mini light bulbs running on electricity. The scorpion is flanked by two round things. Go on. Awe at it. The fan is supposedly meant to keep the motor and everything inside the robot cool. To me its not very pratical as there really isnt much heat to talk of within the robot. It is meant more for design purposes mainly. Fans running at high speeed. Cool huh? then the casing, housing or cover is if i never remember wrongly taken from some computer part? I cant rmb. It could be custom made. As in own made. Mind you these robots are meant to be built by yourself and not pay some expert to do it. And when the fan is on, blue neon ight is given off. Ok la just blue neon light bulbs la. I like the colour. Check out the control buttons like the ON/off. Even design muz be considered before choosing the correct button to be used. You see they carry the words "fuse" which obviously wasnt. Inside is complicated wiring stuffs that you don;t wish to know. A girls team did dis robot of course with mr gilbert and co help. I was periodcially there when they built this robot for it was a shared workshop to go to to build our robots. Of course in comparison our robot looked much simpler.
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