Thursday, September 1, 2005

Haha. Mysteries unsolved. And why? I'm wondering.. scientist can create and invent so many theories and invent flying.. cloning.. preservation.. unravel events that happened thousands of years ago... even to the dinosaur age.. Yet now, faced with such an open issue and no answers can be given? Let me try to just address some of them matter-of-factly.

The Bermuda Triangle and the Black Hole is right there. There. It is open and unrestricted or cordoned off by any form. I doubt there's a law stopping potential adventure-seekers or renowned scientists to just make a forray to the area and venture into the vortex to find out more. What with thoes terrorist willing to lay down their lives simply by just manoeuvring an aircraft to bring down a tower or, for more recent acts of stupidism, bombing a train station.

As how Mr soon reenacted the scene last time during one SS lesson: *props a backpack to his back* -walks a few steps forward- then roar, "FOR ALLAH!" end of reenactment. I remembered reading the newspapers with photographs of how thoes sucide-bombers look like. Hell, one of them wore a windbreaker with the words " NEW YORK" printed across his chest.

Why couldnt he sign a contract with a team of scientist and be willing to sacrifice his life for everyone else in the world to find out the mystery behind the bermuda triangle? He could have navigated a ship to the Bermuda Triangle with recorders, cam recorders, digital cameras, digital recorders and all thoes sophisticated gadgets which could record that very moment down when the ship moved into the boundary of the BT. Or, for the case of World Trade Centre, since that pilot was so accurate in aiming the vertex of the tower to cause such misery sweeping across the world along with terror and fear, why couldnt he just contributed constructively and more positively to the world and drive his aircraft to BT and see if anything happens?

I mean, im thinking on this line because since we know its a gone-case for someone to set foot into BT and well, its not very "le guan" for that person to walk out unscathed to live and tell the tale, why dont thoes potential-end-thier-life people just be more civil-minded and sensible (well if they want to end thier lives they cant be any sensible actually.. but anyway) and just die in a more meaningful way? Walk into the BT with recording instruments to see what its like in there. Live or die. Who knows? I heard of a theory, from our well-known Zhangren sitting beside me in class, that the BT teleports you to another era of time. Maybe to the future or the past. But for curious little kids like me who wants to know and learn more... Why cant anyone just go into the BT in the name of SCIENCE (not allah) for scientist and me to have a better view of what happens in the BT? Whether is there really a superior race living underneath or above that region that sucks any intruder to thier own realm and conduct body-disecting. If this is a plausible thoery, then wont it be recorded down by the hi-tech stuffs installed on that "wei da" intruder?

But why? (i tink i havent heard of it yet) Anyone tried it? Or the Black Hole. Why cant astronauts hold video recorders in thier hand as the spaceship moves into the black hole? Then wont evrything be recorded down? Or if it doesnt work, i can use ROBOTICS (fll'04's theme is mission on mars. my robot was supposed to perform task on mars ok. actually its just a simulation la) and build them a robot and programme it to go into BT or BH or whatever and then solve the mystery.

Of course, my silly examples and theories can be rebuked by the point that perhaps for thoes two regions, our wiring, machines, electronics or to put it simply our techonology will not work. Maybe our techonology aint that high or superior yet to survive the ordeals being put to test in thoes two regions. Yes, maybe that is it. All machines will spoil once they enter the region so whatever recording on the video recorders of thoes poor astronauts will be destroyed and what the scientist or us (if broadcasted live to international tv) can see is just -NO SIGNAL- or thos grey lines or distorted images you get when you turn to an unprogrammed or untuned channel. Yes, with this point my entry would have been a complete rubbish.

BUT! Dont you feel that the US government ( the almighty organisation ) is keeping mum about it? Zr told me he read an article back in China that when a documentary filming on supernatural beings in planet (aliens) went to interview AREA 51.. The reports from them were tampered with and appeared as though someone had erased information from it. I dont know, Zr said there were like eraser markings or blanco ( correction tape ) trails on the written report. So what Zr derived was that the organisation was not supposed to reveal some secret. That something had to be kept unknown from public, the media.

If that is true.. then from a general view, they are right in doing so. Given skemptical characteristics of the typical Singaporean, upon knowing there are aliens, goodness knows what he will do next. Start killing his family thinking that he rather them die in the hands of a human rather than some unkown species? Or thinking that "fei shui bu ru wai ren tian" he must well kill and protect his family rather than let them suffer whatever possible tortures thoes aliens might do.

I hope this got you thinking and that you wont take life for granted. For know. Lets go watch superstar and see who wins.

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