im happy
- tts if i pass my medical check up, compass test and interview, which im waiting for e results of, in AFRC as a FEP. i'll be FEP for 3mths or less.. until my results r out.
- after which (aft 3mths) i'll go either ocs for 2weeks common leadership course first. or go australia, tamworth for Airgrading Course.
- once i do all these and more for about 2.5 yrs, i'll get my WINGS! tt'll be 2.5yrs. -.-
- after i get my wings. i'll have to serve e bond ( i think ) for abt 10yrs.
- in btw. (i hope) at abt 25 or 26 yrs old. i go uni. NUS MECH ENGIN PLS.
- during uni still must come back fly to clock certain mileage.
- after uni. must come back carry on serving the remaining 6yrs. by den shud be arnd 35?
BUT all this. is hypothetical cos anywhere, anyway along e line i fail any single small minor shit,
im out.
then i'll revert back to army ocs.
damn. what got me thinking so long and hard was the OLD age of 25 to enter uni. and also the high risk and high drop out rate of being a pilot den really unsettles me to sign on.
pros are. a highly paid see through ur life careeer as RSAF or SIA ( i can fly commercial SQ planes if i convert my rsaf license ) and earn so much. and have a pretty wife/girlfriend air stewardess (chehh ba!) and that i still get to fall back on army OCS (tts assuming im posted to ocs originally).
cons are. i dun get to go thru ocs with my batch of friends and ns ppl. like rongjun weicheng graham jingwen tzesam xavier jonathan dehnail nat kengmun david.. JJUST TO NAME A FEW. and cons are drop out rate is so high. its enuff to deter any potential dreamers of pilot-to-be. cos compasstest medicalcheckup interview all these 3tests even way b4 you can say "air force" can already kick you out. b4 u kknow it u're back to army. PLUS 10yrs of bond. after UNI stil must go back carry on serving the reamining 6yrs of bond leh. unike others lookin for job.
butbutbut. i shud just try and go for it right! i wanted this i signed for this. and i've came so far. im a freakin fep lucky 23 out of hundereds others! i got advantage over them (tho its damn boring and damn slack compared to thoes eatin shit inside ocs now) i should just GO ahead!
since any small stone i trip over. aka if i fail in any shit. im out. who can actually say they tried. or who can actually say the stood up to it. and call themselves a pilot?
A Career like Nothing on Earth.
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