wad? tt's all i get for scoring 6A's and 5a1's?!?! oh come on. i expected more..
ps: dun zoom into the award. i've changed my name. anyway dis shot was like. taken on grad day? wic is like. months ago...
i dreamt of JAE sia. i cant rmb much now. to come and think about it. it was still fresh just this morning when i woke up to pee. but now. after one game of dota of using SA and gettin 10 kills and 0 death (tts very tyco and rare trust me) i cant recall what happen. but roughly. its about JAE posting results. i dreamt.... i was in vj?!?! then like. exact details im not sure.. but i think i got in vj. and er.. "refreshing" experience? cos i used to say i've nv dreamt of going into vj. but well. literally it happened just last night la. but now to come and think of it. i might want to appeal out if i get in vj la. somehow now.. i wan NANYANG alot alot. nanyang the most. followed by tj. if they post me into tj. i dun think i'll complain. but vj.. i might reconsider. as i've said. imma very friends person. freinds afffect me. if suddenly half of cchs move to nanyang.. come on man. i think i follow suit. but if my other buddies going tj.. den tj it is.. do i sound like i got a choice in this whole JAE? lol. anyway. suddenly.. vj sounds so far.. and.. well. i'm no even sure if i wan vj. dunnno if i can cut it... oh well. 3rd march. zoom past faster. and i dun even noe wads the procedure to collect the posting results. sum1 tagg and enlighten me will u? 3rd march fri go online check? or wad? sch will let us noe? means we must go sch find out? goodness.. i noe nuts.
http://www.moe.gov.sg/esp/schadm/jae/ moe web doesnt says much lor.
more and more homework. even now? when posting results are going to be released soon? so the point is. i noe i shud do. and i wan to do. but i dun feel like doing. so wth? i noe if i posted to vj.. imma lose out alot. imma like.. lagg behind by alot. and to chase and catch up. ill be en tougher. since im not exactly tt fast and smart. so again. a point to consider if i am posted to vj. i tink i suit better to tj and ny.. god..
im so farrrrrr away form robotics now..... stuffs are slowly being forgottenn.. nv fret. once i touch thoes lego bricks.. its should come slowly back........
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