climbed today at Climb Asia. Quite fun. the routes we did and all. climbed with ang moh from france. he climbed top half naked. made e girls droool esp shuhui. after tt did some (in my humble opinion) intermediate climbing with e ppl frm ca. haha its just e lack of physical and str trng i guess which sets me apart from them. other than that. i hope i still have it.
oh man why doesnt anyone wanna take 2star kayaking. WHY. all got 1star. den dowan take 2star. huh huh huh. 11, 18, 25th may so hard meh! come on ppl. sms/call/msn/whatever shit me that youre free on those 3 days to take up 2star kayak!
next. rockmaster or pumpfest. to join or not to join. Join rockmaster? sing poly... clarke quay... cash prize... stupid powerful moves and lousy holds.. Join pumpfest? go there malu. i cant do boulder circuit for nuts and im nth compared to our current tj yr2s. whats e pt. OR JUST DONT JOIN.
but how. can i. just sit there and not be part of e action. im so free now summore. no more climbing comps for e rest of e yr summore. not until next yr. or next next yr at least. GRRR. den agn. join for what? pay reg fee jus for e singlet and for ridiculous isolation hours?! LOL. den agn. its all abt e experience. e adrenalin rush. and my own personal climbing journey. OH WHAT THE HECK.
1.casp ernest howee go POWERBOATING. i wan kayak but no one go w me =(
2.pumpfest or rockmaster. largely affected by jingwen too if he joins or not.
3.climbing instructor courses. earn some money. do sth i like.
3.1st may labour day. climbers gather day. have fun day. long holiday.
4.swimmmmin is fun.
5.studyin for btt is not. so i better pass.
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