wah u cant believe what just happened.
just abt a lil past an hr ago. i was playing Soldier Front on www.ijji.com which is a game i wonder if theres any diff from gunZ which kenneth is playing. anyway i was doing this alone at home. with my mum and maid slpin soundly all thruout this whole incident. ok well romeo was up awhile but after tt he became pretty useless.
anyway just guessed what happened. at my house. at 1am in into e wee hrs of e night. well i just played a live Soldier Front around my house with this uber camoufladge kia.
ok enuff of crap. knn i was playin soldier front, a first person shooter game. everything same as counter-strike keys and all and style just tt background abt less clearer almost like battlefield cos of too many details. so just imagine bfield without helicopters tanks and stuff which is why i say a cross of cs and bfield. (just ask joey or graham) den all i could hear was bang bang bang and "fire in the hole!" when suddenly i hear noises outside.
ok need u to picture my house. grnd floor. usin my sis com. alone. outside dark condo dark street lamp like knn no light and everywhr else dark. den i heard noises right outside my window. which is. just to my right. i stretch out my right leg can put my legs on the window grile liao tts how near. and the outside was like if i stand up. i can look at the person standing outside, below my window alr. so upon hearin e noise. and hearin romeo barkin. i stood up.
HOLY knn this knn pair of knn white eyes on a black indian body wearing knn white shirt and white pants with knn a ear ring on his ear so bling bling white and bright which appeared like a third eye was staring str at me. it was like. i just stop my shooting. heck care e fact tt i was being killed in the game. stand up, look outside my window. look down. and i knn get this 3 white eyes starin at me. i blink to zoom out of the 3 eyes which my "crosshair-eyes" auto zoomed in on to come out from my "artic-scope". den i see this indian dreessed head down in white starin at me. blubbering some nonsense i dunno what the heck he sayin. knn a cold shiver shot str down my spine. i broke out in cold sweat on e spot. i dunno whether to shoot or throw grenade.
but i choose option c. cower away in fear. ok screw u. i just sat down calmly and tot of what to do. if u ask wc or anyone who's been to my hse long enuff. tt guy dun even need to parkour or do a white boulder route to get hold of my window grile and try to pry it open or throw some poison dart at me to put me out den fish out my keys or sh den break into my hse. with me out flat. but of cos my other comrades like bumblebee and jas will come in to take that hostility out. ok anyw. so i sat down. and decided to do sth b4 he does sth stupid to wake up my mum and cause her to be worried or disturbed by this knn siao kia patrolling around my hse which is grnd floor so he just circle my hse on e floor = i must circle my inner hse to follow him and watch him frm window to window to make sure he dun try and break in.
i took up the phone. dialed 999. at least 4 times. b4 i really plucked up enuff courage to convince myself tt yes now is the time to act hero and be the " oh so vigilant" neighbour u only see in "Crime Watch". i just pictured me being on e show and lookin stupid at reportin this incident to the police in a calm voice but inside obviously is trembling all over shit. i was a messed up peice of shit den. only guy. only one awake. house grnd floor plus previous breaking in experience made me know enuff how vulnerable i was. coupled with rich and imaginative tots of wengseng. i swear i badly wanted a AK to shoot that man down. btw b4 i started to play soldier front for at least 2 hrs.. i was watching claudia's dvd Blood Diamond. a freakin violent, coarse lang show abt how african is in war and conflicts over its nartual resources diamond and whr kids like below age 10 were taught how to use AK to shoot and kill. ANW. i called police. reported a suspicious character and waited out.
mean while. i left my soldier front there and i could see my character stoning there at base and from time to time being shot at point blank since i was afk. meanwhile i was playing soldier front live in my hse with tt ultra camoufladge guy who blended so well into e night. i saw him walking arnd my hse. from e window. to my room. den go to e middle of e road dunno chanting what spell like "EXPECTO PATRONUM" ok screw i forget how to spell tt harry potter spell alr. wow. spell e spell. ok so. i decided to stalk him around. like sneakin arnd my own hse. careful not to let him see me thru e window. plus not to let e outside moonlight and street lamp light shine in on my face in case if he turned arnd and look up den kena full view of my face. so yea. no sound. crouching low low. hiding away from light. doing e james bond and side staring from the side of e window to catch glimpses of tt meagatron. while i, Optimus Prime, waited for e knn slow big big white police van to vrrom vrrooom and park in e carpark right infront of my hse.
den these two policemen one bald wearin junyu's guailan specs scratchin his head and giving me thoes buay song look and attitude ask me whats wrong. i told them whats wrong. and so they went to patrol my neighbourhood. btw just seconds b4 i realised the police was here, i lost sight of megatron. i dunno whr he had gone to becos i sat back down infront of my com to recover my dying character in soldier front and went out to the lobby (chatplace) and told my sis bf what had happened and called my sis'es to both come back fast becos megatron was outside and prime was tired and gg to slp soon. so yea e police found e man eventually after a long search.. somewhr at the bustop. they came back for me, prime, and asked if the guy was " tall dark young and handsome and wasnt walkin str." i said, "yeah yeah tt's him. AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT!" den e police went to talk to megatron which at e point of time was at e busstop whr i couldnt see and i decided to play SF again. so later i heard noises outside again i realised megatron was back and he threw away some bottle of bear VERY NOISILY into the rubbish bin just outside my hse and disappeared into thin air. next came a knock and i realised it was jas and bumblebee. they recorded my name again and i told them i was "prime. OPTIMUS prime." and den my code number and blah blah blah and explained to me tt megatron was drunk and he lived nearby. bumblebee has told him to go home alr and said if i needed any help again i just needed to summon them by sayin. "ACIO transformers!" then they will come back to protect me and megan fox again so as not to disrupt our private times.
after all this i all e more want to be a specs ops kia so i could haf sniped that arsehole down just from my window or just drop him a c4 from my window and he'll go "wow whats this?" like kelvin den i will TEE! detonate and den he knows what its like to fly like buckbeak.
ok screw. high into e night with darren e might.