For the benfit of all you newbies out there, click on the link given above. When the window opens, press PAUSE. Then Alt Tab to MSN and talk to your loserish friends. Then when you've gotten sick of them. Alt Tab back to youtube and watch the video after its FULLY buffer-ed. Once you're done with the youtube. Come back to this screen and read what follows.

introducing.. our very own. tjc climbing club guys.. applause pls. as u can see we're all very hyped-up and ready to rock and roll and own rockmasters. there were some 140 participants in the novice men category and they are all piled up behind us like coolies being shipped to singapore with only a 20m by 20m holding room. *refer to the video at time 8:25* so they decided to rip me apart. with kelvin lookin at graham's tralala and jingwen acting like a roti prata seller selling ramly burger.

and there i was. up on my first route. after waiting for some 2-3hrs in the steam room. the tile my right leg was stepping on was the starting tile. which many fell on just to be able to get to my position. yet i could do a pangsai position there easily... my right hand is up going:" oh yeah giddy up cowboy!"

suddenly from the corner of my eye i see a mosquito and since i hate them. my left hand instinctively launch and went to slap the tile that poor lil insect was resting on. PIAK. DYNAMIC ACTION! *for all thoes who watch naruto. this is GAI's phrase when he was fighting against kisame*

suddenly, i didnt feel like climbing anymore. hence i started to down climb safely onto the mattress.

and there i was. resting on a chair. hideen away in the shadows. smirking at the dead mosquito.

next up. it was route NUMBER 2. as wonderfully demonstrated here. this route is espcially friendly to tall people like me. but would be rather crampy for taller people like graham or chicken for the starting part of the route.

here. im applying what i've learnt which what philips always says to maintain a TRIPOD position in which ur hand and two legs form an imginary triangle on the wall. for minimum repulsion and maximise stability. go read your chem bonding.

the blue shit there is called a volume. and its the ending tile.

me, being super strong. decided to choose to continue my climb. since i didnt want to bore the spectators and to give them something to cheer about. hence i chose not to end my climb but to reach for the next tile beside the volume. PART 1.

realising i was about to left leg decided to kick the wall. once again, DYNAMIC ACTION! PART 2.

phew. i've deicded that my left hand and left leg is still the strongest. alas. time and tide waits for no man. i decided to not waste my time and chose to come down after displaying my talents on the wall. to much applause from the audience for my entertainment value. PART 3.

and there i was. waving to the crowd and acknowledging thier unrelentless support for me. and the cameraman doing a close-up with me. 2.13 is the score i was given upon 3 for my skills.

route 3 was tough. the starting alr gave me a DYNAMIC ACTION! and i had no choice but to flex my left STRONG hand muscles. even the route judge cum supporter of mine was about to raise his arms in awe of me and ready to give me some form of support by clapping his hands.

at this point. my right arm looks distorted. but evidently. my supporter is still in awe and looks to give an even bigger round of applause for me.

and well. lets not be too bothered about the results of that route or for that competition for that matter shall we? let's just enjoy the company of this bunch of gays while we still can ok? im sure gona miss the trainings and competitions we've participated as a club. erm. wheres graham aka Ji Hong Kia (jhk) lookin at? i tot there were only guys in that room!
OK crap done. THIS Friday. PUMPFEST. VIVOCITY. come support TJC climbing club. better yet. COME SUPPORT ME.
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