Saturday, February 16, 2008
and i realised.. ns really stole my life.
ns really puts a halt to your normal standard typical routine civilian life and really, you just have no choice. i would say no one can honestly admit they are fully prepared for it.
lets go straight to the point. i was scanning the climbing photos when it dawned upon me that i've stopped climbing for a reallly long time. and by climbing. a really small and insignificant part would be me missing and reminiscing on past bouldering competitions and past trainings or even past bouldering sessions anywhere around be it in sch (tj), climbasia (both new and old) or even Singpore Poly.
what i was really EMO about (just back then for that few seconds) was how much i missed climbing natural rocks. the stingling sensation of the fear of heights and fear of falling and the freaking irritating beads of sweats that form on your hand when you hang one second longer on that lousy hand hold than you actually should. ( btw as im typin this my hands are freakin formin thoes beads of sweat on my palm now. the exact same feelin when u're on e wall. ) yours hands start to feel a prickly feeling, which i assume is just the sweat trying to burst free from the pores on our palms that gives this funny feeling. ask me, for i've been to field camp and have gotten heat rash and endured for about 3days.
and then just before i got to use the computer. when i was switching on the main electric supply to power the computer, i saw my climbing shoes. like WOAH... i have a pair of brand new PEARL LACE. like... freaking... i thought to myself: when the hell did i have this new pearl lace? i've barely worn in twice and the shoe's suede material is so white like its just freash from climb asia's shelf.
oh man. how i wish kelly and philip can bring us to krabi. how i wish to go on a trip with e climbers again..
ok __ u darren. face reality and wake up. NS isnt that bad.
in fact. im enjoying ns now. and life in army is GOOD! =D
besides the fact that i dont get to climb or see my friends and hang out with them as often as i would love to and thats its ruining my social life....
ITS OKAY! youre getting fitter by the day and accomplishing things you never thought you could do!
like the freaking 12km ROUTE MARCH! WOOOHOOOOO!
field camp is over.
sit test is over.
BCCT is over.
2, 4, 8 and 12 km route marches are over... what are you left with?
16 and 24km route march.
wait ok that seems like alot.. but WAIT.
i just need to survive the remaining route march (ESP 24KM) and run under 9.44mins for 2.4km and im good.
...3 more weeks and we'll be through!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
xinhui's hse joeweeeeee and me at some thai restaurant
i look like some european climber. im e only yr2 there.
mass orgy
the climb im esp proud of. done with ease and grace :D
seniors, teacher and kelly. at e end of e day.
at the furnace with some hot aussie belayer behind us.
now u know why its called e furnace.
check out e sun rays shining against the rocks.
better yet. check me out. at some thai shoppin mall. im wearin prom king's cap.
cool girls. cool shot. taken by me. backdrop included.
streets of chiangmai. taken frm e hotdog stand
some parsam malam in chiangmai.
doin shoppin for friends back hme.
walls of chiangmai.
mass orgy with spooooky visitor behind us. freaky.
now u know why i said it was spoooky
in e girls room after some booze and hotdog.
i swear i kept my hands to myself.
like some backway alley kids shootout.
budget term. first day.
The Chimp 5000.
act classic name for the toilet only.
there were rules to follow in there. zoom in to find out. shopppppppin mall.
a small bouldering area at the climbing shop.
bouldering walls smaller than back in tj.
ok. this time with philip. need i say more
e cooolest u can get.
chiangmai 07